Welcome to Huihao JING’s Personal Website

As a final-year undergraduate student at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), pursuing a main major in Data Science and Technology and a minor in Mathematics. Currently, I am working with Haoran Li on embedding inversion attack, advised by Prof. Yangqiu Song on KnowComp Group. I also working with Ziyi Liu on point cloud indexing, advised by Prof. Xiaofang Zhou on JC STEM Lab.

Research Interest

My research interests encompass a wide range of machine learning applications, focusing specifically on natural language processing, large language models, and addressing privacy concerns in the field of machine learning. Throughout my undergraduate studies, I have dedicated my focus to addressing privacy concerns in machine learning and training problem on knowledge graph. My ultimate goal is to identify and address security issues across the entire pipeline of machine learning.


  • The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (2020-2024)
    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

  • Technical University of Munich, Munich (2023 Summer)
    Exchange Programme in TUM Informatics

Research Experience

Research Papers